Having more than 24 years experience in management of software development and IT/Business IT services.
Having strong experience with process control techniques (SPC, Quality Planning, TQM, Problem Solving Techniques). Good knowledge of the management systems such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001.
Visioner, fast paced, strategic thinker, proactive, analytical minded, result oriented, efficient manager with close technology follow up and application abilities.
Specialties: Designing and Managing of IT systems.
Team building.
Business process analysis.
Creating database.
Analiysing software solutions.
Managing of CRM and ERP projects.
Digitilizing of business procedures.
Creating cost effective technological solutions.
Creating business intelligent systems.
Designing and Managing Business IT projects, outdoor digital media solutions.
ISO 9001.
ISO 14001.
Total Quality Management.
ISO 27001